Super Foods

October Fest Carnival

Katie over at Kitchen Stewardship is in the middle of a month-long focus on super foods -- foods that are packed with nutritional value. As I looked at her super foods list, I realized that we eat these foods quite often! Yay.

What are these super foods?

Here's a list that Katie emailed to me complete with links to recipes that I make that have these super foods in them:

Beans and legumes
Red and Orange Peppers
Citrus fruits
Pumpkin and Sweet Potato
Black and Green Tea
Wild Salmon

And, the ones we can't eat around here...
nuts (e.g., walnuts and almonds)

We add garlic to almost every meal we make, and use ground turkey in place of ground beef almost 100% of the time (ground beef is a real "treat" around here), and we cook and bake often with EVOO -- in fact, we don't have any other kind of oil in the house.

While you can look around and find some yummy recipes packed with super foods, I've decided to tempt you with some photos of our favorite super food recipes, along with a count of super foods (and honorable mentions)!

Breakfast Options:

(Super Food Count: 3)

(SFC: 3)

(SFC: 5, if served with bluerries and OJ... 7!)

(SFC: 2-3, + cinnamon as a bonus)

(SFC: 3 + cinnamon and honey)

Soup Options:

(SFC: 7!)

(SFC: 6)

(SFC: 7)

(SFC: 4)

Main Dish Options:

(SFC: 7; 8 if you dip in tomato marinara)

(SFC: 3, if you add garlic)

(SFC: 5; 6 if you add ground turkey)

(SFC: 3)

(SFC: 6, using homemade spaghetti sauce)

(SFC: 4)

(SFC: 5)

(SFC: 3, with garlic)

(SFC: 5, 6 if you add black beans)

(SFC: 5)

(SFC: 3-4)

(SFC: 5-6)

Sweet Treat Options:

(SFC: 4; + cinnamon)

(SFC: 2, + cinnamon and dark chocolate)

(SFC: 5 + cinnamon)

(SFC: 2)

(SFC: 3-4, depending on the filling)

Whole Wheat Carrot Zucchini Cake
(SFC: 3, plus cinnamon)

Sweet Potato Treats
(SFC: 2, + cinnamon)

Super foods are a great way to get in more protein, fiber, iron, folic acid, and calcium. In addition, these foods can help with eye sight, digestion, immunity, and combat bacteria/fungi/viruses. Katie has an awesome list of which foods help with these different things.

Do you have a favorite super food?! Which super foods do you get a lot of and which ones do you need in more recipes?