Zucchini, Carrot and Black Bean Quesadilla

In an effort to eat more veggies and beans, I tried a new quesadilla recipe -- zucchini, carrots, black beans and cheese tucked warmly between two whole wheat tortillas. Delish.

Zucchini, Carrot and Black Bean Quesadillas

1 medium zucchini, shredded
1 medium carrot, shredded
1/4 C black beans
4 whole wheat tortillas
1/4 C colby jack cheese, shredded
salt and pepper to taste

Shred zucchini and carrots. Season with salt and pepper and saute under tender.

Add black beans and heat until warmed. Then, place half of the filling atop 1 tortilla. Sprinkle with cheese and cover with the other tortilla.

Cut quesadillas with a pizza cutter.

Makes 2 very filling quesadillas.

While I typically love beans in soups/stews, I love the chew and flavor they add to this quesadilla! Yum.

October Fest Carnival
Get more bean recipes by clicking the image!

This post is linked to Mouthwatering Mondays and Tempt My Tummy Tuesday!