Menu Plan - Sept. 27


Are we really in the last week of September? School has been back in session for a month now, and we're just beginning to get settled into our schedule. We're gearing up for a busy October... a wedding, birthdays, a dissertation defense, possible trip up north, travel for work, and a David Crowder Band concert! All these things get built into our menu so we can plan accordingly.

Of course, things change. No plan is perfect, and I'm okay with that. Last week, I intended to make a few recipes that got pushed out of the way by good deals on produce! We swapped out one soup for another, and still had leftovers, so we skipped the meatloaf. I also had planned to start a new series here on how I menu plan.... but that didn't happen last week either. After looking at my schedule, I'm planning to move this series to November -- so, if you have questions about menu planning, please ask away; I'll add the answers into those posts.

Last week, we enjoyed:

We're greatly enjoying the abundance of apples presently... in fact, there are still some apple recipes on our menu this week :)

Apple muffins (new)
Honey Whole Wheat Bagels (new)
Dried Fruit
Spinach, Red Pepper Quiche (new)
Kris Kringle Pancakes

Potato Soup, carrots
Turkey sandwiches, applesauce, carrots
Leftovers, fruit

Su - Vegetable Lasagna, cheese-stuffed bread sticks (new)
M - Leftovers
T - Mushroom and Mozzarella Chicken Skillet, broccoli
W - Leftovers, mixed vegetables
Th - Leftovers (when we make lasagna, it lasts a while!)
F - French Bread Pizzas (new), roasted zucchini (new), pears
Sa - Chicken and Dumpling Soup (new), whole wheat bread

Sweet Treats
TBD. We'll see what we feel like.

Check out Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday for more!