Kris Kringle Cakes

Okay, so I know it's a little early for Christmas...but these pancakes are perfect for a fall morning too.

My mom used to make a version similar to these during the winter and their warm cinnamon oatmeal flavor would be a great way to start a weekend.

Yum.  I can smell them now. 

Kris Kringle Cakes - Adapted from Mom

1/2 C white wheat flour
1/2 C wheat flour
1 C oats (I used quick cook)
2 T brown sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. salt
1 egg
1/3 C applesauce
1 C milk (+ a little extra)
1/2 tsp. vanilla

Mix together applesauce, egg, and vanilla.

Add milk.

Then, mix together the dry ingredients.

Combine wet and dry ingredients and stir until moist. You may need to add additional milk if the mixture seems overly thick. I added about 1/8 C more milk because as the mixture sits, it gets thicker.

Cook pancakes on a griddle heated to medium. Flip when little bubbles begin to form.

Enjoy warm, topped with fruit syrup, maple syrup, or applesauce!

This post is linked to Friday Food and Foodie Friday.