Menu Plan - June 12

So much for the menu plan... again.  Summer has been a challenge so far in sticking to the menu!  But, the best part about having a plan is being prepared when you need it and being flexible enough to let it slide.  Case in point:
  • Your sister stays with you for a few days and you take time to go shopping together... spending way too much time in Target {have I mentioned I love Target?!}, you arrive home realizing you can't possibly make the scheduled dinner, and so you go to a "quick-fix" dinner of Rigatoni with stewed tomatoes.  
  • Same little sister wants to go apartment shopping; you oblige and spend from 10am - 4pm in a car checking out apartments.  This is after hitting up garage sales from 8-10am.  Don't ask what we ate while in said car for 6 hours.  It couldn't possibly be pretzels and cheese.  I had two quesadillas for dinner to compensate.  
  • A college friend is in town which necessitates an impromptu get-together.  Girl with cooking blog offers to host.  Girl plans menu early in the week when it's 103 degrees.  Menu plan sounds good and allows for minimal time in the kitchen {as Friday was "begin another kitchen project day"}, but plans are scrapped when 48 hours after hitting 103 it's 58 degrees.  Thanks to feedback on Facebook, we ended up with a soup and bread buffet.  
Thus, we ate:

Berry Frozen Yogurt
{new recipe; made without an ice cream maker!!}

{with a new, healthier twist!}

Italian Chive and Onion Pasta Bake

This week, it's time for Frog Prince to travel again.  I've so enjoyed his month of time at home and can't believe we enter another travel season.  I always find it more difficult to cook while FP travels, so I'm hoping the menu plan will help this week.  But, I have something to look forward to... my sister is moving into her first apartment on Friday!  So excited.    

Sunday {Happy 1st Anniversary to our friends Kim and Matt!}
B - Goody-Poody Pancakes {new}
L - Sandwiches filled with Roasted Veggie Spread, fruit
D - Grilling.... Crockpot Baked Beans, Pickles
Dessert - Rhubarb Blueberry Crisp {new}

B - Rhubarb Sweet Rolls {new}, Fresh Blueberries

B - Leftover Sweet Rolls
D - French Bread Pizza, fresh veggies
Dessert {for Bible Study} - Rhubarb Bars {new}

D - Sweet Potato Risotto, Asparagus


Friday {moving day}
B - Granola and Blueberries
D - Leftovers, or pizza.

B - Egg Sandwiches
D - Leftovers