Berry Smoothie

With the weather getting nicer, I've been getting back into my habit of walking to work. This smoothie makes an excellent walking companion.

One recipe fits perfectly in my travel mug. But, it looks prettier in the glass.

Berry Smoothie
{Makes 1 smoothie}

1 container of homemade Greek yogurt {~6oz}
1 C frozen fruit {I used blueberries, raspberries and strawberries}

Combine the yogurt and frozen fruit in your blender.

Blend until smooth.

Pour into a glass or insulated mug and serve.

What I love about this smoothie is that it uses protein packed Greek yogurt {we use homemade}, which has a thicker consistency than regular yogurt.  This means I can eliminate the need for a banana in my smoothie.  This is great because (a) bananas make my mouth itch (oral allergy syndrom), and (b) bananas tend to over-power the other flavors.  This smoothie has a delicious berry flavor, and the frozen berries give a nice texture to the smoothie.



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