Egg Sandwiches

A breakfast that I enjoy as a change from our usual carb-loaded breakfasts is egg sandwiches. They are simple to make, and are delicious with either a little cheese, or, if you're my dad... a little jelly... strawberry, rhubarb, cherry or tomato jams all jazz up this simple breakfast sandwich.

Egg Sandwiches
2 slices of whole wheat bread
1-2 eggs
salt and pepper, to taste
accompaniments... cheese, butter, jelly

Preheat griddle to 350 degrees.

Slice bread, and lightly butter, if desired on one side. Place bread on the griddle to warm and toast.

Add salt and pepper to eggs and scramble 'em up!

Pour egg mix onto griddle (you may wish to use a large metal cookie cutter to prevent the egg from running all over the place), and cook for 2-3 minutes per side, until egg is set.

If you wish, top the bread, or egg with cheese, and allow cheese to melt before assembling the sandwich. Then, top the bread with the eggs.

And, top it off with the other slice of bread.

If you wish to add jelly... do so before you assemble the sandwich.