Menu Plan - September 19

This past week, our menu plan worked out pretty nicely.  We didn't try a ton of new recipes, but certainly enjoyed some good eats:

Apple Cranberry Granola

Christmas Eggs

Whole Wheat Apple Cake

Breakfast {Oven} Potatoes

Spiced Country Applesauce

Grandma's Sloppy Joe's
with whole wheat rolls

Over the weekend, my Father-in-Law and family friend came to visit us for the first time!  We did lots of grilling {steaks and brats}, potato pockets, corn and enjoyed yummy dark chocolate mint squares for dessert {thanks mom!}.   I'll share that recipe later this week.  

We enjoyed spending time with them, and got to take in two baseball games while they were here!

I'm starting to add a to-do list under each day's menu... this is to help me manage my time so that we don't end up getting ready for dinner the next night and are missing a key ingredient!  Hopefully this to-do list helps :)  Do any of you do this with your menus?  

B - Buttermilk pancakes, maple syrup, fresh fruit
L - Leftovers
D - Crockpot Chicken, Sweet Potatoes and Veggies
{make broth, prep dinner for Monday, make oat bars}

B - Raspberry Oat Bars {new}
D - Penne with Spinach and Chicken, apple sauce
{make French Bread}

B - Leftover pancakes, fresh fruit/apple sauce
D - French Bread Pizza, steamed veggies

B - Granola with blueberries
D - Grilled BBQ Chicken {using cherry BBQ sauce}, brown rice and veggies
Dessert - Apple Brownies {new}
{soak oats and buttermilk for the pancakes overnight}

B - Raspberry Oat and Chocolate Chip Pancakes {new}
D - Leftovers

B - Apple Cranberry Granola
D - Grilled Pizza (BBQ Chicken, spinach/mushroom), grilled veggies
{pull pizza dough out of the freezer}

B - TBD {we like to choose something fun to make on Saturdays!}
L - Cheesy Broccoli Potato Soup
D - Grilling with new friends after apple picking!!
