Menu Plan - May 31

Has a week really gone by already?!  One week ago, we celebrated my sister's college graduation with an open house -- 75 people came and we fed them all :)

Then, we watched LOST :)  

The rest of the week was so busy looking at houses every day!  Earlier in the week we thought we found a house -- we loved the layout, but the commute was just a little too far.  And... the house, might have been haunted .... No thank you.

Then, we found another house that gave both Frog Prince and I what we'd like in a house, but we didn't feel like God was leading us to that house either.

During all that craziness, I can't really recall everything that we ate... but, here are some of the things on our menu:

Italian Turkey Sandwiches

(we made 6 batches for my sister's open house!)

Fruit Dip and Fruit

Dill Dip and Veggies

Rhubarb Cake

Chocolate Cookie Dough Brownies

(with fresh tomatoes!)


Grilled Pizza


This week, it's back to the drawing board.  And, the praying board.  We have about a week to find something before the time is too crunched.  So... we're praying and continuing to look.  We know that if God is leading us towards a house, that He will provide something for us. 

B - Granola with blueberries
D - Penne with sausage and broccoli

B - Granola with raspberries
L - BBQ sandwiches, whole wheat rolls, {dinner with grandparents!}
D - Burgers on the grill {beef; black bean - new!}, corn, fresh fruit
Dessert - Strawberry Rhubarb Dump Cake

B - Wheat Buttermilk Pancakes, strawberry syrup
L - Grilled ham and cheese on rye bread (new), steamed broccoli
D - Brown Rice Casserole, veggies

B - Leftover pancakes
D - Pasta Primavera (new)

B - Veggie Scramble, OJ
D - Sweet Potato Risotto

B - Lemon Blueberry Scones
L - Tuna Zucchini Burgers (new)
D - Steaks on the grill, potato packets, green beans

B - Waffles, fresh fruit
L - Grilled Pizza 
D - Laura's Ugandan Dinner!

Enjoy your week!