Sweet Potato Dark Chocolate Bars

My facebook status last week read: "making yummy sweet potato chocolate bars for Life Group!"

The prompted a few responses:
  • 3 "likes" (one from a Life Group attender)
  • Two "recipe requests"
When I got to life group... the curious were more interested in what little goodies I had nestled on the plate than me actually being at Life Group.  I was greeted by "are those the sweet potato bars?"

Some were a bit skeptical.

Others, excited.

The verdict? They were delicious!

So delicious that one guy in life group asked me if they were simple enough that he could make them himself.

Sure thing.

Simple.  Easy.  Delicious.

That's the way I like to cook!

Sweet Potato Dark Chocolate Bars - Inspired by this week's Food Network ChefSandra Lee

1 box, yellow cake mix*
4 T butter, room temperature
1 egg (I used the yolk)

2 C sweet potato puree**
4 oz. cream cheese, softened
1 egg (I used the white)
1/4 C sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. nutmeg

1 C homemade granola
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 C dark chocolate chips
1 T butter, melted

Begin by combining the cake mix, butter and egg together.

Mix until little balls of cake mix form....

Press into a lightly greased 9x13 cake pan.

Then, in a mixing bowl, combine cream cheese, spices, egg, sugar and sweet potato puree.  Of course, you can substitute pumpkin for the sweet potato puree -- we just use sweet potato because my husband is allergic to pumpkin.  Yes, I know -- strange allergy.  But, he spent every Halloween as a kid in the emergency room until they figured out what was causing his allergic reaction :(

Mix well.

Pour the sweet potato puree mix over the top of the crust.

In a medium bowl, mix the granola, cinnamon and dark chocolate chips together.

If necessary, add 1 T melted butter to help the ingredients stick together. {I omitted this extra butter... the topping was a little crumbly, but we enjoyed it nonetheless}

Sprinkle the topping over the sweet potato filling.

And, bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes, until a toothpick comes out clean.

I found that the cake mix layer (crust) was what needed to be "clean" during my toothpick check -- the sweet potato layer remains somewhat creamy and solidifies as it cools!

Did I mention these were good?

*You might be able to try this with a homemade cake mix...

**If you've never made sweet potato puree, simply boil the sweet potatoes for 20ish minutes, until tender when pricked with a fork.  Allow them to cool slightly on the counter, then peel them and mash the potatoes.  The mash may need 2-4 T water to make it thinner and more puree like.  You can do this in a blender to eliminate any potato pieces.  The puree can be kept in the freezer and used whenever you need it.

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