Menu Plan - April 20

What an exciting week.... on Friday, I became Dr. SnoWhite as I successfully defended my dissertation!  My wonderful lab mates, collaborators, and Frog Prince had a party for me afterward complete with champaign. 

It feels wonderful to have that portion of my degree complete :)  In about two weeks our families are coming for graduation and we're looking forward to celebrating with them.

To reduce my stress last week, I stole some time in the kitchen cooking up....

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Muffins
{Recipe to Come}


Chicken and Brown Rice Bake

Ham and Pasta Bake
{Recipe to Come}

Lemon Bars
(Defense Treats)

(Defense Treats)

This week, we're both really busy, so our menu is rather simple.  And, we're super excited to head to a wedding that Frog Prince is a part of over the weekend.  We are thrilled for how God is working in their lives and can't wait to share in their special day.  

B - Lemon Blueberry Scones
D - Kentucky Hot Brown (new), mixed veggies

B - Leftover Scones
D - Personal Penne Primavera (new)

B - Cinnamon Raisin French Toast
D - Ham Casserole {a family favorite I haven't posted yet!}

B - Kris Kringle Pancakes (freezer)
D - Leftovers, steamed broccoli
Life Group Treat - Sweet Potato Bars (new)

B - Baked Oatmeal
D - Mozzarella Mushroom Chicken, brown rice and veggies

B - Leftover Baked Oatmeal
L - Sandwiches, crackers, carrots (in car)
D - Rehearsal Dinner

B - Granola
D - Wedding!!!