Cinnamon Raisin Bread

This is the first in a series.... From My Mom's Kitchen!

My mom has taught me everything I know about cooking... well, almost.  But, she did instill in me a desire to cook frugally, healthily and with ingredients we already have on hand.  If you're nice to her, my mom might even write a guest post later this week!

When I was in middle school, my mom got a bread maker.

Our favorite breakfast bread was this delicious cinnamon raisin bread.


Cinnamon Raisin Bread- Mom

3 1/4 C bread flour
2 tsp. salt
2 T dry milk
2 T butter
3 T sugar
3/4 C raisins
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
10 1/2 oz. water
1 1/2 tsp. yeast

Place all ingredients in your bread maker as listed by your manufacturer... except... add the raisins right away!  Your bread machine directions will tell you to add them later -- don't listen to them, listen to my mom.  She adds them right away.  This way they get all chopped up and add yummy raisin flavor throughout the bread.  The bread stays extra moist due to this too.

Bake according to directions (do not use the rapid cycle).

Allow to cool a bit before slicing -- if you can resist.

Stay tuned for a yummy french toast with this bread :)

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