Menu Plan - May 29

Heading into this week, I thought we held to our menu plan pretty well.  Then I looked at last week's menu.  Oops.  Somehow, this was not the menu that ended up on our fridge - and thus, not what we ended up eating.  But, we did stick to the menu hanging in our kitchen!

Here's what we ate last week:

Blueberry Rhubarb Muffins

Grilled Smokehouse Maple Chicken Fajitas 

{brats, 40-minute buns, grilled corn, macaroni salad, fresh fruit, brownies}

 This coming week, we're looking forward to:

B - Buttermilk Pancakes {and waffles} with berry sauce.
D - Mexican Bake {new}, cornbread {new}

Monday - Memorial Day!
B - Berry Crumble
D - Grilling! Bring: Crockpot Bake Beans {new}, Cookies and Cream Ice Cream

B - Veggie Scramble
D - Risotto Primavera {new}

B - Yogurt and granola, fruit
D - Turkey Burgers, Sweet Potato Fries
{Dessert - Rhubarb Cake}

B - 1-minute Cran-Apple Crisp
D - Leftovers

B - Rhubarb Apple Bread {new}
D - Mixed Veggies and Pasta {stovetop meal}

B - Leftover Apple Bread
D - Grilled Pizza