Wheat Buttermilk Bread

I've never tasted buttermilk bread before, but since I love buttermilk and had some in the fridge to use up, I decided to try my hand at making buttermilk bread.  I modified the original recipe to cut down on the butter, use all honey in place of the sugar and use some whole wheat flour in the dough, just because I love whole grains in my bread.  

This bread smelled delicious while it was baking, and Frog Prince and I had to try some freshly sliced!

What surprised me about this bread was how moist it was; and remained for even a few days after baking. In fact, it was so moist, I worried about whether or not I'd baked it long enough. The texture reminded me of super soft store-bought bread.

Frog Prince, I think, found his new favorite bread.  He just kept walking through the kitchen saying "wow", after he tasted the bread and enjoyed it in a grilled cheese sandwich.

I do have to say, it did make a pretty excellent grilled cheese :)

Buttermilk Bread - Adapted from The Domestic Engineer

1 1/4 C buttermilk
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 C honey
1 T butter
1/4 C dry milk
1 1/2 C bread flour
1 1/2 C whole wheat flour
2 1/4 tsp. yeast

Combine the ingredients in your bread maker according to manufacturers directions.  For mine, I add them in the order the ingredients are listed.

Set to "dough" cycle and allow the bread to knead and complete the cycle. Check the dough as it starts kneading; I needed to add a bit more flour to the dough.

When the cycle is done, remove the bread dough from the bread machine, and shape into a loaf.  Place in a lightly greased loaf pan.  Cover, and allow to rise for about 1 hour, or until doubled.

Bake at 325 for 30-40 minutes until the bread is nicely browned and it sounds hallow when tapped.

Remove the loaf from the pan and cool on a wire wrack.

Cool completely (or very close to completely) before slicing. The bread is much too soft to slice before then!

Enjoy! Especially in a grilled cheese!


Linked to: What's on your plate?  Yeast Spotting, Two Maids a Baking, What's Cooking Thursday, Full Plate Thursday, Your Recipe, My Kitchen, Melt in Your Mouth Monday, Tempt My Tummy Tuesday, Let's Bake Bread Together