Menu Plan - November 7

Time is flying by -- Thanksgiving is quickly approaching!!  We're beginning to think about our Thanksgiving menu around here, and this week at Finding Joy in My Kitchen I'll be sharing with you healthy and easy recipes for Thanksgiving!  Hope you'll stop back this week for side dishes, desserts, bread and of course, the turkey!  

This last week, we didn't stick to the menu plan super well... we had a busier week than expected, and ended up eating leftovers up for dinner rather than having them for lunch like we usually do.  We ended up eating:

Jack-O-Lantern Pizza

{A family favorite!}

{this time we added 2 C spinach to the dish... yum!}

{Family Favorite}

We've started having a bigger brunch after church on Sunday mornings so that we'll have more leftovers for breakfast to start out the week :)  

Dinner - Cheesy Spinach Lasagna Soup {new}

B - Leftover Quiche

D - Colorful Chicken Linguine {new}

B -  Pumpkin Spice Granola, craisins
D - Leftovers

B - Gingerbread Muffins {new}
D - Chicken Stew with Brown Rice

B - Leftover Pancakes

D - Beef Stroganoff, steamed broccoli and cauliflower
