Menu Plan - July 5

I just love fresh, local produce!  We got some wonderful cherries and blueberries and zucchini this weekend at the farmers market... oh, my!  :)  Yea for summer!

Last week, we did pretty good on our menu plan -- 

Monday, we had some sizzled ham with delicious spinach squares
{recipe to come}

Tuesday, we enjoyed a new recipe:

And, for dinner, we had spinach and mushroom quesadillas.

Wednesday, well... that one didn't happen as anticipated.
We ended up having a cook-out for life group, so I just made
a plain lemon cake to have with fresh fruit.  

Thursday, we had friends in from out of town.  
We enjoyed this delicious
Zucchini "Pizza"
{Recipe to come}

for my GF friend!
{I had leftovers with decadent chocolate frosting... oh. my.}

Friday morning, we enjoyed some

And, for dinner, we had our favorite

Saturday and Sunday, Frog Prince and I got bit with a nasty cold :(

On Saturday, we made ... soup{even though it was 90 degrees}.  

We also enjoyed leftovers, and a


We're starting to feel a little better today and hoping that this week is another successful clean out the pantry week!

B - Blueberry Cornmeal Cookies {new}
D - Grilling!  NY White Hotdogs, wheat buns, corn on the cob, oven baked fries {new}
Dessert - Cherry Cobbler

B - Cinnamon waffles with fresh berries
D - Chicken and Peppers, with brown rice

B - Leftover waffles
D - Leftovers

D - Zucchini and Sausage Pizza {new}

B - Leftover pancakes
D - Spaghetti {new sauce} and steamed veggies

L - Sandwiches, carrots, crackers and dried fruit

B - Granola
D - Grilling

What's on your menu?  Do you need new kitchen gadgets for your house?  If so - don't forget to stop by and enter to win a $70 gift card from CNS Stores!!  You have until 12am (midnight) July 5th {that's Monday} EST to enter.  Good luck!
