Menu Plan - July 11

We didn't have the most fun second week of July.... we were down and out with colds :(   Having a cold anytime is not fun, but three weeks before we move and in the middle of the summer makes it feel even worse.

To top it off... my sister-in-law gave birth to her son on Friday!  This is hugely exciting and we are thrilled for them, but our colds meant that we could not take a trip to visit them because we don't want to spread our germs.

Since this was the last weekend before we move that we were able to schedule a trip, this means we won't get to meet this little guy in person for along time.  :(

The good news is, we're making progress on eating from the pantry!!

Last week, we enjoyed:

{made on the stove top!}

with fresh raspberries
(made with 100% wheat flour, and all applesauce)

Oven Baked Fries

Zucchini and Sausage Pizza

B - Veggie Omelets
Dessert - Rhubarb Cheesecake {new}

D - Wild Rice Hotdish, mixed veggies

D - Leftovers

B - Granola 
D - Spaghetti with homemade sauce, peppers and carrots

D - Leftovers

B - Granola 
D - Vegetable Stir Fry with brown rice

D - Crockpot Swiss Steak, brown rice
Dessert - Ice Cream
