Menu Plan - June 13

Epic fail this week at the menu plan!

I planned to go to the grocery store on Sunday... but it didn't happen until Tuesday night; and that trip only happened because I realized the milk was on its way out ....

We hit up the grocery store so we could make dinner and finally sat down to a delicious dinner of wheat buttermilk pancakes with blueberries well after 8pm.

While we stuck to the menu plan a bit better as the week progressed, we also:
  • learned on Thursday that the offer we put in on a house was accepted!!!  Lord willing, we will be homeowners at the beginning of August :)  
  • had the honor of being a part of the wedding of my best friend!  She married an amazing man of God and it was a blessing to be a part of their special day!
  • celebrated the upcoming arrival of my sister and brother-in-law's new baby!!  We had a wonderful baby shower... complete with my first attempt at making a cake {photos and recipe to come},
  • and.... oh, well, this one's a secret.  Stay tuned.  
Last week, we enjoyed:

Steak Fajitas

(blackberries and blueberries)

On our menu this week we have...

B - Granola, craisins
D - Rice Cooker Mac and Cheese, broccoli

B- Oatmeal with apples
D - Mushroom and Spinach Quesadillas, fresh fruit
Dessert - Blueberry Rhubarb Dump Cake

B - Egg Sandwiches, OJ
D - Lemon and Parmesan Pasta (new)
Dessert for Life Group: Dark Chocolate Cherry Cookies (new)

B - Granola, dried cherries and apples
D - Chicken Pasta Salad (or Pasta and Zucchini)

B - Apple Muffins
L - Toasted Sandwiches, mixed veggies
D - Tuscan Lemon Chicken, garlic fries (new) and grilled broccoli (new)

What are you planning to eat this week?