Menu Plan - May 16

Our menu plan last week had a smattering of new recipes.  But, the week did not start off on a good note --  rotten chicken and moldy mushrooms.  Since I didn't have time to get to the store, we improvised.  Chicken cordon bleu became "cordon bleu" sans the chicken.  Chicken Marsala ravioli became pizza margherita.  The pizza turned out to be a smashing hit -- so, in a way, I'm thankful for the dinner that almost wasn't.  

The rest of the week was the "birthday special" for Frog Prince -- who, believe it or not, turned 29 last week!

(sans chicken)

Chicken and Potato Medely
(new; recipe to come!)

My little sister is graduating from college this weekend, so our menu plan is rather short as the weekend will be filled with celebrating and meals I won't be cooking!

B - Scrambled eggs, hash browns
D - Grilling!  Turkey burgers, whole wheat hamburger buns, sweet corn

B - Buttermilk Pancakes {freezer}, apple-y topping
D - Potato Soup, bread

B - Cranberry Orange Muffins
L - Baked Veggie Sandwich, oven potatoes
D - Pizza Pasta {new}
Dessert for LOST - Apple Rhubarb Crumble {new}

B - Granola, dried fruit
L - Clean out the fridge
D - Sandwiches, carrots, wheat olive oil crackers {new}

Thursday - Sunday
Celebrating with my sister!!

Hope you have a great week -- I'll try to post some new recipes before the weekend, but my posting Thursday-Sunday might be sparse so we can enjoy time with family.