MTBT Goes Meatless for Mondays and My Legume Love Affair with a Baked Black Bean Tortilla Stack

Baked Black Bean Tortilla Stack

 Around the blogosphere for some time now I have seen bloggers who are joining the Meatless Monday movement all across the world to show their support for our planet. Whether you join your fellow bloggers, restaurants or chefs like Mario Batali in going meatless even one day a week we have all accomplished something. Whether you follow suit for it's health benefits, or to reduce the negative impact on animals, or to show your support for your local farmers going meatless at least one day a week will benefit us all in one way or another. 

For those who read my blog you will know that MTBT is not the place for carnivores. I am not a vegetarian because I do love my fish, chicken and the occasional other meaty combo. Many of my favourite cuisines such as Greek, Mediterranean or Middle Eastern are already high in vegetarian dishes. I also grew up with a dad who is a vegetarian so it is easy for me to choose this lifestyle. My mom and dad are now in their 80's and ski and go hiking. They are headed on vacation in a few short weeks where they will be hiking throughout the Lake District in England. It may cause us to rethink our own lifestyle.

Cutting out meat and other animal products is the most powerful way for each of us to fight climate change and reduce our ecological footprint as well. Meat free meals are so nutritionally sound and provide proven health benefits.

This simple dish below is very versatile. You can use whatever type of beans you would prefer. I usually use black beans, but my cupboard was bare, so used a combination of red kidney beans along with the cannellini beans instead. You could even use your favourite refried beans recipe or the canned variety. Serve it with some soothing sour cream or homemade guacamole and have a delicious meal on the table quickly. Be part of the solution and join in on Meatless Mondays.

I am also submitting this dish to Susan over at Well Seasoned Cook who has been hosting My Legume Love Affair for well over a year now!!! Way to go Susan for continuing to estole the virtues of the much loved legume!!!!

**Baked Black Bean Tortilla Stack**

1 cup frozen corn
2 teaspoons vegetable oil
½ cup chopped onions
2 teaspoons minced garlic
1 cup chopped sweet red peppers
½ cup chopped sweet green peppers
1 ½ cups tomato sauce (or salsa)
1 ½ teaspoons dried basil
1 teaspoon (each) chili powder/cumin powder
1 ½ cups canned black beans, rinsed and drained
1 ½ cups canned white beans, rinsed and drained
1 cup shredded light mozzarella cheese
½ cup shredded light Cheddar cheese
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
5 large whole wheat flour tortillas

Preheat oven to 350F and spray a 9-inch spring form pan with cooking spray.

 In a large nonstick saucepan sprayed with cooking spray, cook corn over medium heat for 8 minutes or until lightly charred. Stir often. Set aside.

 Add oil to pan and cook onions and garlic for 4 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add red and green peppers, cook for 3 minutes. Then stir in tomato sauce or salsa, corn, chili powder and cumin powder, cover and cook for 6 – 8 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat.

 In a bowl combine black beans and white kidney beans. Mash roughly and stir into vegetable mixture.

In a small bowl combine mozzarella, cheddar and Parmesan cheese.

 Place a tortilla in prepared spring form pan. Spread with one-quarter of the vegetable and bean sauce. Sprinkle with one-quarter of the cheese mixture. Then repeat process 3 times. Top off with the final tortilla and a little extra cheese, then cover pan with foil. NOTE: I cover the bottom and sides of the springform pany with foil to prevent leakage if any)

Bake for 20 minutes, or until heated through and cheese has melted. Cut into 8 wedges with a sharp knife.

Serves 4

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