Veggie Rice

This week's FNCCC chef is Daisy Martinez.  After taking a gander through her recipes, we decided on Veggie Rice -- a simple side dish that will help us eat more veggies!

Veggie Rice - Adapted from Daisy Martinez

1 T olive oil
1 large garlic clove, minced
8 large mushrooms, cut into slices*
1 red bell pepper (we used a mix orange and yellow), diced
1 yellow onion, diced
1 medium tomato, diced
1 C brown rice
1 tsp. sea salt

Saute mushrooms, peppers and onion in olive oil in a medium sauce pan.  Saute until veggies are softened... about 5 minutes. 

Add the uncooked rice and tomatoes, and stir to coat in the oil.

Then, add enough water to cover the rice by about 1 inch.  For us, this was close to 2 cups.

Bring the mixture to a boil and boil until the water level is even with that of the rice.  Then, give the rice a good stir, and reduce to a simmer.  Cover and cook for about 20 minutes.   

Fluff with a fork and serve. 

We ended up using up some of our beef from the freezer... we just sauteed the beef with some seasonings, and added that into the rice.

It was really yummy :)

*We didn't have any mushrooms on hand, but would totally add these in next time!!

For more recipes from Daisy visit I Blame My Mother -- the host of the Food Network Chef's Cooking Challenge.