E ...is for Excellent

Spring is in the air I think.... a time of new beginnings. I think Spring has really arrived when people are bringing out their patio furniture. The road crews have been out all week sweeping the roads of all winter debris with their rakes in hand getting the last of the autumn leaves out of the rose bushes on the highways and the sweeper trucks are cleaning the roads. Here in British Columbia they throw dirt and gravel down during the winter for added safety on our icy roads...now it has to be cleaned up. Everything is getting a new Spring coat!! Spring will really be here when everyone is out in their yards raking, sprucing up their gardens and throwing fertilizer on their lawns. It is still too wet for that, but, being in a semi-dessert climate it dries up quickly. Now all of this depends of course on whether or not it will snow again. It is afterall only the middle of February and not predictable at all. It is still within the realm of possibility to have a foot of snow by tomorrow....we do live in Canada afterall. But........today I am putting out my patio furniture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In fact today I am flashing up my barbeque!!!!!!!

My first order of business today is to pass on a lovely award I received from one of my fellow bloggers. Judy of No Fear Entertaining has passed this accolade on to me. I am really touched by her thoughtfulness and I pass the award right back to her. The award was well deserved by her. I always love to visit her blog on a daily basis. There are so many excellent and deserving bloggers out there, but, there are always a few bloggers that you love to visit each and every day if you can. Judy is one of those.

We all have our reasons for gravitating toward specific blogs out there. We visit a circle of certain blogs each and every day and welcome new ideas from bloggers that we are less familiar with, but hope to get to know better. Sometimes we gravitate towards someone's blog for their sense of humour and a smile to start or end our days; sometimes to "peak in" and have a glimpse of their thoughts and adventures on a daily basis; sometimes to learn a new technique from an expert; and sometimes because we feel a real connection to that person for whatever reason. There are just so many reasons why we would gravitate towards certain bloggers and we each have our own reasons as I mentioned previously.

To pass on this award to only 5 of my fellow bloggers has been a difficult choice. I visit so many of you each and every day if I can. There are other awards that have gone around recently that I have passed along to a few of you. Judy nominated Jenn at Leftover Queen who is always deserving of any reward. She is my inspiration!!

Blog roll please.....

Ivy of Kopiaste...to Greek Hospitality. She is my adopted "sister" of the blogosphere... at my request. She is always cooking up a storm! Her love of her family shines through in so many ways. She has a passion for preparing traditional dishes for her family with love. She is always there with a kind word and a helpful hint from her kitchen in Athens. I would like to visit Athens again one day to visit all that I missed before....and I wouldn't get lost. Being lost sometimes is alright as well...I met so many very nice people!

Aimee of Under the High Chair is such a sweetie blogging out of Montreal. She inspires me with all her restaurant quality dishes coming out of her home for her family and friends. She is a warm and kind hearted Martha in the making...and that is not a bad thing Aimee. I love all your innovative ideas. The real Martha has an army of talented people behind her and you are only one.

Emiline of Sugar Plum . Emiline never has an unkind word to say. I wish you could have won the trip to the Napa Chocolate Festival Emeline. Hold on to your dream of culinary school... we will all benefit. This is a girl to watch people. She has such a passion for food at such a young age!

Nikki of Canary Girl always puts a smile on my face. She does not blog as often as I would like her to...hint...hint... but she does have a family and a life there in the Canary Islands. I always smile when I see that she has posted because I know something delicious is coming my way!!

Holler of Tinned Tomatoes has a vegetarian blog in Scotland. She was one of the very first friends I ever "met" through the blogosphere. I grew up with a vegetarian Dad so I am not unfamiliar with the lifestyle choice. She inspires each and every day with delicious heart healthy meals. It would be hard for me to give up chicken though..wink...wink.
I'm sorry but there is also a 6th nominee...I just can't limit it to 5.
Nora of Life's Smorgasbord. She is busy lately with school but still has the time to visit. She has become my Daring Baker buddy and has plenty of helpful hints for the non-baker in me.
7th, 8th, 9th..........
Deb of Deb's Key West Wine & Garden , Marie of Proud Italian Cook , the industrious Marye of many blogs including Apron Strings & Simmering Things , Peter of Kalofagas , Belinda of Cooking in a Southern Kitchen ,Helene of Cuisine de Helene ,Pixie of You Say Tomato...I Say Tomato , Rosie at Rosie Bakes a "Peace" of Cake , Nuria of Spanish Recipes; Gloria of Canela's Kitchen and Kristen of Dine & Dish .
Of course I have missed many of you...so consider yourselves all nominated!!!!!! You all inspire me in different ways!!

These are but a few of my fellow bloggers that inspire me on a daily basis. If you have not "met" them before please take a few moments to visit...you will definitely be happy that you did! They will start... or end... your day with a smile!!
As an aside..in case you're wondering the photo is taken of a sculpture at Red Rooster Winery in Naramata.