Does Your View Inspire You???

Lynda over at Lulu's Cairo has an event where she wants to have a peak of the view from your kitchen window. What view inspires you to make all the wonderful creations from your kitchen? This is the easiest event I have ever entered...just point and shoot. The view speaks for itself. Mind you it's not the stunning view I had at the house overlooking Wood Lake...but it is very peaceful and inspriring nonetheless.

Well here is mine. My condo is on a Greenway which makes it very nice to go pole-walking once I eat too large of a dinner :D

Check out Lynda's event here . The pathway carries on to a wetland where I can view ducks and other wildlife. The bridge is a very convenient walkway to our local pub.

As you can see it is winter, but I have enclosed some Spring views as well as a sign of hope and things to come :D

I have friends coming to take me to suggestion is just to head over the bridge....