
When I was young I was a very picky eater. I am sure that my parents agonized over my lack of nutrients and enjoyment of food as I pushed my food around my plate. As you get older your palate changes and you can learn to love food and be excited by the possibilities of sharing a great meal. As a teen I collected recipes and dreamed of the day when I would have dinner parties and friends sharing animated conversation, laughter and outstanding food at my table. Let's just say my first dinner party was not a great success with canned potatoes and carrots being in the picture somewhere. That was many years ago and I have come far beyond Burnt Toast and canned ingredients. I am a locavore who chooses the freshest ingredients possible whether they be from our farmers markets or local producers here in British Columbia. Of course living in Canada it is very difficult to follow this idealogy through the winter months, but we do our best to seek out what we have available throughout the year.  Join me on my journey as I explore new taste sensations as well as tried and true recipes from generations past and go beyond burnt toast on these pages here at More Than Burnt Toast.

A few years ago I attended a cooking school on a small island in the Agean Sea off the coast of Greece. This was a life-changing vacation that altered my perception of food and how it should be enjoyed on a daily basis. Travel helps us to better understand and appreciate other people and their cultures. Nothing is more intimate, or more effective at breaking down cultural barriers, than cooking and sharing meals together. When you have 10 like-minded people from all parts of the world breaking bread at the same table magic happens. In the classic movie Zorbas the Greek the main character sums it up the best, "On the coast I felt for the first time what a pleasant thing it could be to have a meal. We started eating and drinking, the conversation became animated. I at last realized that eating was a spiritual function and the meat, bread, and wine were the raw materials from which the soul is made."

This is how my blog began... as a place to share my food discoveries with anyone willing to read as well as with my daughter who was headed off to university. It continues to be a gathering place for family and friends to pull up a chair at the same virtual table and share what we have. Feel free to browse through my recipes in the index or using the links on the side bar and discover some new taste sensations of your own. Enjoy my life in food.

You can contact me if you have any questions at any time. For publishers and purveyors I do occasionally review products and cookbooks to the best of my ability. Follow these links to find a sample of my work.

I can also be contacted through our social network BloggerAid - Changing the Face of Famine, which is our on-line group of bloggers who are trying to make a difference at blogs4famine(AT)gmail(DOT)com . We have published The BloggerAid Cookbook which can be purchased on Create Space which is an ongoing project that is raising funds for the School Meals Programme a division of the World Food Programme.


Tipnut - Jamie's Spinach Salad


Pasta Recipes by Italians

Author and contributor for Honest Cooking

Maple Syrup World


Huffington Post

What's Cooking