Menu Plan - October 12

First, Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends!!  Our family celebrated Thanksgiving this weekend with my dad's side of the family -- yes, it's early, but my aunt and uncle who have a house big enough to host a family with 9 kids (and all their kids, and their kids....) travel south for the winter.  So, we celebrated Thanksgiving with our neighbors to the north this year!

We also took advantage of the beautiful summer fall weather and went apple picking with a colleague and her family.  We had a wonderful time, despite the fact that our college rivals were playing a friendly game of football later that afternoon ;)  GO GREEN!

Last week was unseasonably warm here, and we took full advantage of it!  And... we ended up eating leftovers most of the week which allowed us to spend more time outside.

Maple Oat Scones
{recipe on Tuesday!!}

Leftover Chicken Alfredo Bake
{pasta recipe on Wednesday}

Homemade Yogurt
{with honey and granola}

Cheaters Apple Crisp
{recipe on Thursday}

Grilled Bratwurst
{recipe to come}

Pumpkin Spice Bagels
{recipe on Monday}

Pizza Muffins
{recipe to come}

This week -- we get our counter tops!!!  Wednesday is the day... I think I'll have trouble sleeping I'm so excited :)

B - Apple Muffins
L - Pizza Puffs {new} and marinara sauce
D - Grilled brats and mixed veggies
{to do: make bread}

B - Pumpkin Spice Granola
D - Leftovers

B - Leftover muffins
D - Pasta with pumpkin sauce {new}, broccoli

Wednesday {new counter tops today!!}
B - Pumpkin Spice Granola
D - Cheesy Chicken, Rice and Green Bean Skillet {new}

B - Cinnamon Oatmeal Pancakes with crustless apple pie topping
D - Leftovers

B - Pumpkin Spice Granola
D - Homecoming Class Reunion Dinner!

L - Italian Chicken Melts {new}
D - Lasagna, salad

What's on your menu this week?
