Menu Plan - August 8

We've been in our new place for a week now, and all the kitchen boxes are finally unpacked, the cabinets are painted and the walls are now a beautiful shade of blue!  It took three tries to get the right color blue, but I love this one because it blends the purple and blue together into a nice warm color.

I can't wait for our new counter tops!! But -- in the meantime, this means... I can cook in our new kitchen and enjoy fresh veggies from the garden that we inherited with the house!

Unpacking hasn't been too bad... the most boxes we had were allocated for the kitchen {big surprise here, right?!}, and surprisingly, it pretty much all fit in our new kitchen!

Frog Prince took one look and asked,"where will the food go?!" ... important question for a hungry boy who's worked really hard this week to get settled in!

No need to fear, there is a lot of space for food!

And, my dad is custom building a cabinet for us for the eat-in kitchen so that I will have an additional 6ish feet of cabinet and counter-top space!

By next weekend, we hopefully will have the walls opposite the blue accent walls painted a lovely shade of brown, or mushroom bisque, to be exact.  Then, by October 1, we'll have beautiful new counter tops and our eat-in kitchen finished and oh, I'll be cooking up a storm!!

Okay -- now, onto the menu.  There's really no recap of last week... lots of sandwiches, crockpot meals made by my mom, and one night of take-and-bake pizza.  Oh, and ice cream.  When it felt like 103 today, ice cream tasted wonderful!

Here's what we'll be cooking in our new place this week:

Brunch - Blueberry Breakfast Cake, Garden Veggie Quiche
Dinner - Roasted Red Pepper Tortellini Bake, Refrigerator Pickles {new} and Broccoli
Dessert - Rhubarb Dessert

Monday {Happy 35th Wedding Anniversary, Mom and Pops!}
B - Blueberry Breakfast Cake {leftovers}
D - Tuscan Lemon Chicken, broccoli {garden}

B - Granola, blueberries
D - Sweet Potato Risotto, mixed veggies

B - Leftover Garden Veggie Quiche
D - Leftovers
Dessert - TBD

B - Granola, cherries
D - Penne with Broccoli and Sausage

B - Blueberry Pancakes
D - Spinach and Mushroom Calzones, salad

D - Zucchini Parmesan, salad

This week, we're re-stocking the kitchen... eek.  It's hard building up the pantry again without breaking the bank!  We're shopping around at different grocery stores {there are so many here to choose from!} and trying to figure out sales, brands and prices.  We'll hopefully get to check out the farmer's markets around here this week too.
