Monkey Cake

This weekend, I helped throw my sister-in-law a baby shower!!

She and her husband are not finding out the gender of the baby, so they chose monkeys as the "theme" for this little one!

A few weeks ago, I spied this awesome monkey cake from Our Best Bites. If you haven't been over to visit this blog, do! They make me hungry all.the.time.

This cake looked really easy to make and turned out super cute in the end.  I knew I needed to make it for Mindy's shower.

The unique thing about this cake is that you bake it in a 1-2 qt metal mixing bowl.  Since I had never done this before, I made a trial run of it before the shower.

And, it was a good thing I did!

The cake looked so promising in the bowl, but I didn't leave it cool long enough....


Oh well.  I had a little chocolate cake to eat up!

The second time around worked wonderfully.

How cute is this monkey?!

Monkey Cake - Adapted from Our Best Bites
{Print Recipe}

1 recipe chocolate (or vanilla) cake
1 recipe decadent chocolate frosting
1/4 recipe vanilla frosting
3 Oreo Cookies
2 mini Oreo Cookies

Prepare the cake according to the directions.  Bake the cake in a 1-2 quart metal mixing bowl.  Bake at 350 for the time that is suggested for the Bundt cake; abotu 45 minutes.  Remove when the center is set (toothpick comes out clean).

Allow the cake to set for 20 minutes or so to cool down.  When slightly cooled, use a rubber spatula to loosen the cake from the pan.  To do so, slide the rubber spatula down the curve of the bowl going as far towards the bottom of the bowl as you can get.

Invert the cake on to a cooling wrack or onto the serving plate you wish to use.  Allow the cake to fully cool while you prepare the frosting recipes.

When the cake is cooled, frost with chocolate frosting.  Then, chill in the freezer for 10 minutes until frosting is set.

Add the white frosting to make the mouth region on the monkey.  Then, chill again.

Finally, pipe on the mouth and nose!

Crush one of the large cookies and sprinkle on the monkey's head for hair.
Stick the other two cookies into the side of the cake for the monkey's ears.
Finally, use the two small cookies for the eyes.

Chill if necessary to set the cake.

Serve and enjoy!


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