What?! Pick my favortie cookie recipe?!

This week for the Ultimate Recipe Swap, folks are sharing their favorite cookie recipe. Choosing a favorite cookie recipe is HARD! My mom is an amazing baker and she used to sell her baked goods. Translation - we got little tastes of a LOT of goodies! Thus, I find it hard to choose between:
Then, I must choose between our family favorites...
But, despite all the hard choices, there's one recipe I love when it comes to a great chocolate chip cookie....

Mrs. Field's Chocolate Chip Cookies - From Mom's Kitchen
(This makes ~ 112 cookies!! We often cut the recipe in half, since a whole batch doesn't fit in Mom's mixer!!)

2 C butter (we've made it with 3/4 C butter, 1/4 C applesauce)
2 C sugar
2 C brown sugar
4 eggs
2 tsp. vanilla
4 C flour
5 C quick cook oats
1 tsp. salt
2 tsp. baking powder
2 tsp. soda
1-24 oz bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips
1-8 oz Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate bar, grated

Cream together butter, sugars, eggs and vanilla with mixer until fluffy. In a separate bowl, mix together flour and oatmeal. Using a food processor or blender, blend the oats and flour together until it becomes a powder (usually, this requires blending many small batches).

Add salt, baking powder and soda to flour blend. Then, add the flour to the creamed mixture and stir to combine.

Stir in chocolate chips and grated Hershey's chocolate bar.

Place golfball-sized scoops on an ungreased cookie sheet about 2 inches apart. Bake at 375 for 6 minutes or until slightly browned.

*We use an ice cream scoop half full (or a small scooper) to make the cookies!