Salmon with Potato Roesti and Dill Aioli

Something about this recipe just caught my eye. Could it be the bed of crispy, lacey potatoes; or perhaps the luscious red colour of the Spring salmon? Perhaps the mild garlic and dill flavour of the aioli? Whatever the reason we really enjoyed this lunch.

Aioli is a zesty garlic mayonnaise that's used as a sauce, most often for seafood and shellfish, although it's also excellent on green beans and potatoes. It's made by slowly whisking oil into egg yolks and garlic, so pump some iron before attempting...your arm will get tired!!!

I found the recipe on-line from Olive Magazine and just had to have it. You know how it goes. Since my fridge revealed all of the ingredients it was a sure fire winner for 2 people!!!

**Salmon with Potato Roesti and Dill Aioli**

1 - 2 medium potatoes, grated
1 red onion , grated
1 T flour
olive oil
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 large salmon fillet
watercress to serve


1 egg yolk , at room temperature
½ garlic clove , minced
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1/2 cup (100ml) vegetable oil
½ lemon , juiced
fresh dill weed, chopped

Make the aïoli by mixing egg yolk, garlic, mustard and seasoning. Slowly whisk in the oil until it makes a thick sauce. Add lemon juice and chopped fresh dill.

Squeeze the excess liquid from the grated potato, then mix the potato, onion and flour. Season and form into two roesti. In a frying pan with a little oil fry the roesti for 5 minutes on each side. Keep warm.

Brush the mustard over the salmon. Season and grill for 5 minutes. Break it into pieces and serve with the rosti, watercress and aïoli.