Olive Garden Breadsticks

For as much as Frog Prince and I love bread, we rarely make bread sticks.

Now, we might have to make an exception.

These bread sticks are amazing!  Great flavor, and really easy to make.  I couldn't go all out whole wheat in this recipe because, well, Olive Garden's bread sticks are not whole wheat.  But, I did use 1 C of white whole wheat flour, just to make them a little more Finding Joy in My Kitchen style!

Olive Garden Breadsticks - Misadventures of Mrs. B

3/4 C warm water
1 1/8 tsp. yeast
2 1/4 flour
1 T butter, melted {unsalted}
1 T sugar
1 tsp salt {I used sea salt}

Begin by dissolving the yeast in the warm water, in the bottom of your mixing bowl.

Add the melted butter, salt and sugar to the mixture.

Add the flour; and mix the flour in using a dough hook.  

Allow the dough to rest, covered for ~45 minutes.

Then, shape into 8-10 bread sticks.

Bake at 400 for ~7 minutes.

Meanwhile, mix together 1 T melted unsalted butter, 1 tsp. sea salt and 1 tsp. garlic powder.

Brush each breadstick with melted butter mixture.

Then, bake for ~8 more minutes, until lightly browned.

Brush the rest of the melted butter over the breadsticks.  Serve warm.



Linked to: What's on Your Plate?