Romantic Valentine's Day Dishes

Thank you so much for your kind birthday wishes yesterday!!  Even though Frog Prince is in Atlanta right now, I had a fun day celebrating with my sister and family members.  A few of you suggested yesterday that I add a counter to my side bar to have you click in if you've chosen to donate to Feed My Starving Children.  See exhibit A to the right.

Switching gears, we're talking romantic treats today!  Like these yummy cupcakes with decadent dark chocolate frosting.  But, I digress.

Growing up, Valentine's Day was never a big deal at my house.  Likely because it was so close to my birthday.  And, yes, I got pink heart everything for my birthday.  Since then, it's taken a while for me to appreciate Valentine's Day.  That said, we still don't celebrate Valentine's Day.

Frog Prince and I, instead, celebrate our own love holiday - Best Friend's Day.  Frog Prince was sweet enough to propose this idea when we were dating when he found out about my love-hate relationship with pink hearts and candies.

Whether you celebrate Valentine's Day or are just looking for some great date night/day meals, I have a few of our favorite, romantic recipes below.  These recipes are quick and easy and can easily become a special tradition in your family -- light a few candles, and have a special date night rather than go out this year.

For Breakfast, consider:

{either put the raspberries in the batter, or serve with raspberry syrup}
These go together quickly and are an extra special treat.  

Make this ahead the night before, pop it in the oven in the morning, 
and you have a delicious breakfast.

Let your loved one sleep in!
Assemble this casserole the night before, 
turn it on in the morning, and 1.5-2 hours later, you have 
a delicious breakfast to serve in bed.  

Have a lunch date?  I recommend:

A tangy twist on a traditional soup.  
And, what could be better than the rich red color?

A real special treat soup.  
It's not every day you get to enjoy a soup like this.  

Both of these soups are excellent served with 
(garlic herb butter and mozzarella is one we love!)
or, our personal preference

They're even shaped like a heart!

If dinner is more your style:

This is the dish Frog Prince and I serve only on our anniversary.  
It's a re-creation of our wedding meal, and we love it!

Either way you serve this one, you can make them the night before
and bake before your romantic dinner. 

This is a light and refreshing dinner.  
The white wine makes this amazing.  

These chops have great flavor and 
it only takes you a few minutes to get them in the oven.  

All of these dishes pair wonderfully with green steamed veggies

The evening eats typically end with something sweet...

Our favorite romantic dessert is dark chocolate raspberry cake.
Make half a recipe, and bake it in a pie plate or heart-shaped pan for an extra treat!


Another real treat is our Sweetheart Cake.
Cherries, vanilla, and chocolate along with 
fresh whipped cream.  

Maybe you like a bit more chocolate...


One dish + 2 spoons = ....

This one will be a hit too.  
Especially with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Are you cooking for Valentine's Day, or heading out?  Or, is your honey cooking for you?  


PS - Today is the last day to enter the Kitchen Organization Giveaway -- be sure to enter by commenting on this post.

Linked to: URS, Recipe Swap Thursday, Feasting in Fellowship Friday, I'm Lovin' It, Fun with Food Friday, Sweets for A Saturday, This Week's Cravings