Dark Chocolate Cherry Cobbler

On Friday, I found this delicious-looking dessert from Lisa at Stop and Smell the Chocolates. I was thinking I'd wait until after the holidays to make this dessert, but we had some friends over after our city's celebration to kick off the Christmas season, and this was the dessert of choice.

In fact, we had my loyal guinea pig friends over... somehow they always end up being the ones I make new recipes for; they informed me that they do not mind being in this role. Brad's review was that this dessert "was a delicious blend of chocolately scrumptiousness", and we happen to agree.

Dark Chocolate Cherry Cobbler - Adapted from Lisa

1 1/2 C flour
1/4 C brown sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
3 T butter
6 oz Dark Chocolate Chips
1/4 C milk
1 egg
1 recipe cherry pie filling (~21 oz)

Prepare the pie filling, and spread into a lightly greased 2-quart casserole dish (or 7x11 glass baking dish).

Meanwhile, melt the dark chocolate chips slowly in the microwave until melted.

Mix together the flour, baking powder, salt and brown sugar. Stir to combine.

Allow the chocolate to cool (so that you don't scramble the eggs!) about 5 minutes, until it reaches room temperature.

Meanwhile, add the room temperature butter to the flour mixture and mix until flour crumbles into clumps.

When the chocolate has cooled, stir the milk in well. Follow by adding in the egg.

Combine the chocolate mixture and the flour mix together. Stir well.

Pour onto the top of the cherries (there will be a lot of chocolaty scrumptiousness over the top of the cherries).

Bake at 350 for about 40-45 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean.

Enjoy warm or at room temperature ... it's delicious either way.