Countdown to New Years

Happy New Year, bonne année, kali chronia

As we draw to the close of another year we pause to reflect on what we have learned in 2010, the new dishes we have conquered, the friendships we have forged and the local food trends we have embraced. I hope that the holiday season met all of your expectations. This year I was embraced by my future son-in-laws family and flew to a city north of here. I came away with many new culinary ideas for this blog celebrating the Portuguese culture which I will share here in the months to come.

feliz año nuevo, buon anno, akemashite omedetô

The holiday was marred by the fact that L'il Burnt Toast was assaulted while riding the bus in downtown Vancouver before they caught their flight, a story which is long and too disheartening to go into here. Thank goodness she is alright as the bruised eyes and lumps and bumps have healed. Young people are so resilient!!!

But since this is a blog about food and not about the trials and tribulations of today's society I want to share some of my favourite dishes I discovered here at More Than Burnt Toast in 2010. A heartfelt thank you for joining me on my culinary journey throughout the year, for your undying support and kindness. I hope we continue to share a kitchen in the years to come.
selamat tahun baru, szczęśliwego nowego roku, feliz ano novo
sretna nova godina, gelukkig Nieuwjaar,prost Neujahr

January 2010

February 2010


March 2010

April 2010

July 2010

August 2010

September 2010

October 2010

Beechers Mac and Cheese (photo courtesy of Beechers)

November 2010


December 2010

bliadhna mhath ur, gelukkige nuwejaar, bon any nou

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