Tomato Basil Bruschetta

A while back, one of my long-time blog readers, Jessika, sent me a "you must make this" recipe for Bruschetta.

It's not often that I think about making bruschetta -- but we had some leftover french bread and I thought this might be a great way to use it up!

I love that this recipe uses simple ingredients, and the flavor was amazing!  Thanks for sending the recipe my way, Jessika -- this was great!

Tomato Basil Bruschetta - Adapted from Jessika
{Print Recipe}

4 roma tomatoes
4-5 garlic cloves, minced
3 tsp. basil (dried)
1/2 T olive oil
sea salt
French baguette

Combine diced tomatoes, basil, garlic and olive oil in a large bowl.  Stir to mix the flavors.

 Then, cover and refrigerate for a minimum of 2 hours.

Preheat the oven to 400.  Meanwhile, slice the baguette into slices about 1 inch thick.

Place the bread onto a cookie sheet.

Lightly brush olive oil onto the bread (both sides) and return the bread to the cookie sheet.

Then, top with the tomato, garlic, basil mixture.

 Grind some sea salt (and pepper, if desired) over the top of the bruschetta.

Toast the bruschetta in the oven for 10-15 minutes, until slightly toasted.



ps - I love getting recipes from you!  If you have a great one I need to try, send it my way!