Cherry BBQ Pork Ribs

One of the stipulations of our home purchase (and me getting to do all sorts of fun things in our kitchen) was that Frog Prince would be able to have a grill.

We watched and waited for an excellent end-of-the-summer sale on the model we wanted, and ended up getting an even better deal than we imagined!  Frog Prince couldn't wait to try it out.

Frog Prince chose ribs and cherry BBQ sauce for his first meal made on the grill.  

It was a good choice if you ask me :)

Cherry BBQ Pork Ribs - Finding Joy in My Kitchen

1 rack of pork ribs
1/2-3/4 C cherry BBQ sauce

Preheat the grill to about 350 degrees.

Then, place the ribs onto the grill and slowly cook them for 1 1/2 hours, turning 2-3 times during the cooking process.

 Check to make sure the internal temperature of the ribs has reached the safe level.

10 minutes before serving brush on the cherry BBQ sauce -- and reduce the heat on the grill at this point so the BBQ sauce doesn't burn.

Serve warm... with lots of napkins and extra cherry BBQ sauce!

