Ham Primavera

My mom made this recipe growing up -- it's a yummy way to use up leftover ham!

Ham Primavera - Mom

1 C cooked ham, cubed
3 C mixed veggies (zucchini, carrots, broccoli, mushrooms, etc), diced
1/4 C butter, divided
1/2 tsp. basil
1/4 tsp. garlic powder, divided
2 C cooked pasta
1/2 C sour cream

Saute the veggies in 2 T butter until tender (about 10 minutes).

Add ham, basil and 1/8 tsp. garlic powder and heat until warmed.

Meanwhile, boil the pasta according to package directions.

Melt butter and sour cream together

Toss with pasta, and remaining garlic powder.

Place noodles on your plate and top with veggies.


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