Veggie Omelets

While I visited home, my dad shared a special treat with me...

Can you tell what color these eggs are?

If you guessed BLUE you are right! My dad brought home farm-fresh blue and brown eggs... and there is no better way to use farm fresh eggs than in a veggie-loaded omelet.

Veggie Loaded Omelet - SnoWhite

1 T olive oil, divided
6 stalks of asparagus
2 C diced broccoli
1 medium bell pepper, diced
8oz mushrooms
Fresh spinach, if desired
Diced tomatoes, if desired
Salt and pepper, as desired
2 eggs/omelet
Extra sharp cheddar cheese

In a large stir-fry pan, saute the veggies in 1/2 T olive oil.

Meanwhile, mix up the eggs, and season with salt and pepper.

Pour into an omelet (or small frying pan) that has the remaining 1/2 T olive oil warmed in it.

Turn the burner to medium heat and then cover the omelet with a kettle cover, for about 2 minutes.

Remove the cover, and pour sauted veggies onto half of the omelet. Top with cheese.

Then, fold the omelet over the veggies.

Allow the heat from the omelet to melt the cheese.


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