Garlic Roast Potatoes

This week for the Food Network Chef Challenge I chose a recipe for Garlic Roast Potatoes from Nigella Lawson.

These potatoes were super easy to make and quite tasty too!

Garlic Roast Potatoes - Adapted from Nigella Lawson

5-6 large potatoes*
1 T olive oil
6-8 garlic cloves
sea salt

*I used sweet potatoes and russet potatoes!  YUM.

Cube the potatoes - I ended up peeling mine because the skins were not good -- but you can easily leave the skin on these guys.

Then, toss the potatoes and unpeeled garlic cloves in a large bowl with the olive oil.

Spread the potatoes and garlic onto a cookie sheet and bake at 425 for 1 hour.

Turn/flip the potatoes at least once during baking -- this is especially important if using sweet potatoes.

Season with sea salt before eating.

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