Herby Garlic Bread

This week, our Food Network Chef's Challenge Chef is Paula Deen.  I know Paula is notorious for unhealthy dishes.... so I scoured her recipes to find one that was a little more figure-friendly, if you know what I mean :)

What a found was a recipe for garlic bread made with olive oil!

That will do.

I called mine Herby Garlic bread because my friend Rachel and I just had a discussion about how much fun it is to say "herby"!

Plus - it reminds me of the Love Bug... good 'ol Herby.

Herby Garlic Bread - Adapted from Paula Deen

4-6 slices of sourdough bread (I used leftover dinner rolls)
1-2 T olive oil
Garlic salt (I used sea salt and garlic powder)
Herbs -- I used parsley and chives

Lightly brush each piece of bread with olive oil.  I used butter on a couple just to test the difference.  I actually liked the olive oil better!

Then, sprinkle each with salt and garlic powder.

Top with herbs.

Place in the oven at 350 for 10 minutes until bread is warmed and nicely browned.
