Kitchen Tip: Freezer Edition

I love my freezer.

I have been known to freeze just about anything.







You name it - I freeze it.

Well, I haven't tried freezing milk, but I hear it works well.

Recently, I've added two must-haves to our freezer.

First, is carrot (and/or sweet potato puree).

Boil up those carrots, and then puree them in a blender with just a little liquid (leftover from the boiling).  You may also add cooked sweet potatoes to the carrots for a yummy blend.

Then, place the puree into ice cubes and freeze until solid.

Remove them from the ice cube trays and store in a large freezer bag.

Then, pop them out of the tray and store them in a bag in the freezer.

I've been adding carrot puree to anything with tomatoes ... it cuts the acid, and adds more vitamins!  We use it in lasagna, homemade spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, baked ziti, and, it's also handy to have for carrot bread, carrot bars or even pancakes!

I also tend to freeze applesauce this way too -- that way, it's always available as a substitute for oil in baked-goods.

Second, I've been freezing apples.

And, I love it.

Cut up the apples, freeze them on a parchment-paper covered cookie sheet and then pack them into a gallon freezer bag.

In the morning, take out what you want, saute them with a little cinnamon and you have an excellent alternative to syrup or a great add-in to your oatmeal.

Having apples in the freezer like this has helped me to have one additional serving of fruit every day!  These apples also go well in muffins, crisps and pies!

For more freezer-friendly tips, check out this great post at Getting Freedom from Debt!

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