Cooking Green: Crockpot

Did you know that cooking with your crockpot is the most energy efficient method of cooking?


I juts finished reading a wonderful book, "Cooking Green: Reducing Your Carbon Footprint in the Kitchen" by Kathy Heyhoe and it is stuffed full of excellent tips to reduce your energy expenditure while cooking.

That's where I learned that the most energy efficient way to cook is via your crockpot!  Seriously.  It's way more efficient than your oven {which is anaologus to a Hummer!} and even more so than your burner.  That gives me great excuse to use my crockpot even more!

I'll be sharing some more of Kathy's tips for cooking green over the next few weeks, but since today Smockity Frocks is having a crockpot carnival, I thought it best to tell you this tip today :)

In addition to crockpots being a green way to cook, they also are a great time saver.  At a minimum, we use our crockpot twice each week (Wednesdays and Fridays) because it enables us to have a warm, yummy, healthy dinner after arriving home late in the afternoon.

So, what do we make in our crockpot?  I'll let you take a gander at a few our our favorites....



Crockpot Apple Cake (which just happens to be fat free)

We also make virtually all our soups in the crockpot -- so easy and so yummy!

What's your favorite crockpot recipe? 

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