Mint Chocolate Cookie Crunch

I think I've mentioned it before, but I get my love of baking from my mom. Each Christmas season, we'd spend hours in the kitchen baking unheard of amounts of Christmas goodies, singing Christmas songs. Memories like these are ones I cherish.

One of these such Christmas goodies we make is my mom's famous Mint Chocolate Cookie Crunch. She really is famous for them -- they were published in a Cookie Cookbook from Country Woman!!

What's wonderful about these... they are no-bake and can easily be made with little hands as helpers in the kitchen. I know I've posted this recipe before, but it's such a reminder of this time of year that I want to share it all with you again.

Mint Chocolate Cookie Crunch - Mom
{Print Recipe}

1 bag mint chocolate chips (or, Andes Mint Chips)
2 1/2 bags (or 5.5 C) dark chocolate chips (we LOVE Hershey's Special Dark!!)
1 pkg. Oreo cookies
4 C Rice Krispies

First, melt the chocolate chips (and mint chips) until just melted.

Then, finely crumble the Oreo cookies. We use a blender/food processor to do this, and purposefully leave a few larger random pieces.

Combine the Oreo, Rice Krispies and melted chocolates in a large bowl.

Stir until well coated.

Using a spoon or an ice cream scooper, create cookies on top of waxed or parchment paper.

Then, lick the bowl :)

Allow cookies to harden up on the counter for a few hours before eating. This recipe makes 124 cookies! They are great to give as gifts, if you're willing to share :)

You can also easily cut the recipe in half. Use 1/2 a bag of Andes mints, 1 (12oz) bag of chocolate chips, 2 C Rice Krispies and a half a package of Oreos.

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