Kitchen Tip: Sweet Potatoes

I've been using sweet potatoes a lot more in cooking because they substitute well for pumpkin. Since Frog Prince is allergic to pumpkin, I've been able to enjoy my favorite fall foods by using sweet potatoes :) The texture is nearly the same, but the prep is a little different.

Normally, for pumpkin puree, all I did was open a can.

So, I had to learn how to prep a sweet potato.

There are two ways, that I've found to prepare sweet potato puree. 

The first is baking.  

First, scrub up that potato, and use a fork to poke holes in the potato.

Next, rinse the potato, and then, wrap it in tinfoil. Wrapping it while wet helps it bake.

Bake the sweet potato at 350-375 for roughly an hour, or until sweet potato is tender. You might want to place the wrapped potato on a cookie sheet to prevent it from dripping into the oven. Sometimes, sweet potatoes are known to leak a bit.

Remove the potato from the oven and allow it to cool, still wrapped.

About 30 minutes later, unwrap the potato, and slice it in half. You should be able to scrape the potato out of the skin, and almost peel the skin off.

The second way: boiling.  

I've come to LOVE boiling sweet potatoes.  It's just easier... and the potatoes are so moist!

Scrub the sweet potato, and then plop them in a pot of water.  Bring that water to a boil and boil for about 20-25 minutes until the sweet potato is tender to the prick of a fork. 

Remove the sweet potato from the water and place on a cutting board.  Allow it to cool for a little while, and you should be able to slice it open and scoop it out just as you would if you used the baking method. 


Once you have your potatoes cooked -- scoop out the flesh and place it into a bowl or plastic container in which you can easily freeze or refrigerate your puree.   

Place the sweet potato into 1 C containers, and mash a bit with a fork.

Store in the fridge for up to 2-3 days, or freeze for later use.

Just before using, add a few tablespoons of water to the mashed sweet potato and stir to make a thinner puree.

Note: you do not need to add the water before freezing, just do so before using.  

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