Giveaway Winner!!!

And the winner is....

Heidi who said:

"Congrats! Keep the wonderful recipes coming :) What a great giveaway. I don't know if I want the pastry mat or the pie plate more.... I guess if I have to pick I will say the pie plate because you would laugh if you saw my poor pathetic pie plate (my good one was left at my moms house when I brought a pie and now she says it was hers!!)"

Congratulations Heidi. I'll be in touch to get your address, so I can get your new stoneware pie plate sent to you soon.

FYI (a little about my methodology): I printed a list of all the comments off, removed the ineligible entrants (people related to me or who did not want to enter), then each entry was assigned a number, then we used the ever faithful to pick a random number for us.