View and Review
We have arranged for our members to review cookbooks and products. All work and no play makes us all a little dull so let's all get together and have a little fun while continuing to raise awareness for world famine. Do we love cookbooks? Do we love food? After all, most of our members are food bloggers and what's more important than food :).
Giz and I would like to thank Ruth Daniels of Once Upon a Feast for bringing her expertise to this project. Most of you will know Ruth from Presto Pasta Nights which we have all participated in over the years!!!!
Our passion for all things "foodie" is what bands food bloggers together. We want to learn everything about food, both the best and the ordinary, and about the science, industry, and personalities surrounding food. Foodies are sometimes viewed as obsessively interested in all things culinary and I am sure that we can all relate!!!! We want you to share your knowledge and expertise with others!!!
We have made agreements with several cookbook publishers and companies (with an evergrowing list) to partner with BloggerAid-Changing the Face of Famine which will allow our members the chance to participate in cookbook and product reviews. This gives us all the opportunity to review new cookbooks on the market as well as sample new products along the way!!
Members who choose to participate will sign up in the forum under "View and Review"“ in the right hand margin. Please let us know if you’d like to participate and we’ll add you to our list of reviewers. You will receive a copy of a cookbook or a product to review, create a recipe and blog about it!!! This is what we do best!!!!!
Want to join??????
1. You must be a member of BloggerAid-Changing the Face of Famine to participate. So sign up!! If you have friends who would like to participate, by all means, invite them to join as well. When you join the group here, please let us know if you have preferences or restrictions. For example, if you’re vegan, we will arrange for you to receive only vegan books or products for review.
2. You’ll receive a copy of a new cookbook from the publisher or a product to review. Within a timeframe (to be determined), turn in your review to the forum together with a copy of the picture of the dish you’ve prepared. Post both the review and the picture on your own blog with a link to BACFF.
3. You may choose to either keep the cookbook or product or donate it to BACFF for auction. You’re under no pressure – foodies love their cookbooks so we’re fine if you decide to keep it.
Our partners are excited to participate with us – it’s a win/win for everyone!!!!!!
Our partners are excited to participate with us – it’s a win/win for everyone!!!!!!
We have approached many publishers and companies internationally and although not every country is covered, we’re working behind the scenes to make sure that if you’re in Brazil that there will be books available in your country of origin. Some countries may be covered by another country. For example, if you’re in Indonesia, books could be available from Australia.
Many things have been happening behind the scenes at BloggerAid-Changing the Face of Famine. We are now in the final stages of the editing process of our fundraising cookbook thanks to a dedicated team of members. We expect the cookbook to be available for sale on Amazon by December at the lastest and in plenty of time for the Christmas rush. It's been a fun and interesting learning experience so far and everyone involved in the cookbook has been working in editing, proof reading and conversions in preparation of the compilation of the book. I think we all can agree that we've learned many things in the process. So, if it looks like BloggerAid-Changing the Face of Famine has been in sleepy mode - it's been anything but!!!!!!!!