Welcome Fellow Foodies!

What a surprise to wake up to this morning...I am one of the random blogs featured on the Foodie Blogroll today! Since I know there will be visitors from all over the world today I wanted to take this opportunity to say:

Welcome to the Recipe Shoebox!

I started this blog as a forum for my family to share recipes with each other, but over time I have found that I have a passion for good food, new recipes, and connecting with other people. While I am still ecstatic whenever one of my sisters or mom posts their own recipe here, you'll find most of the recipes here are mine. My earliest posts are most of my tried and true old favorites, while you will find my more recent posts new recipes from books, magazines, and friends that I'm trying for the first time. Some of them are delicious, others of them okay, but don't worry I spare you all the details of the most horrible ones.
Here are a few random tidbits about me:

* I have five kids ages 4-14 and I'm usually on the run, as a result you'll find that most of my recipes are fast, easy, and use only simple ingredients.

* Our favorite types of food are Mexican and pasta dishes (and way too many desserts).

* I have such a shady backyard and have so little natural light in my kitchen, that I usually take most of my food outside to take pictures of it. I'm certain that my neighbors think I'm a little weird.

*Due to the constant sleep deprived state of my brain I occasionally let a little silliness shine through in my recipe descriptions!

*I am determined that my kids will love cooking too, so each Monday through the summer I'm doing a Cooking with Kids series with some fun ideas to help them get excited about it too.

*Unrelated to my cooking exploits, but significant to me...I live in the Washington DC area and LOVE it! I'm pretty sure we live in the coolest place in the world!

I hope you'll take some time to look around. You can click on the links at the top for the basic categories: Main Dishes, Desserts, and Sides. If you're looking for something more specific check out the labels along the right side here. You'll find all of my recipes are labeled by category, main ingredients, and other various descriptions.

If you like what you see, feel free to become a follower or leave a comment! I love meeting other fellow foodies!