Sin in a bowl...

Doesn't this look dreamy?!

photo by Mel Bennett

Mel made this goodness for our Life Group game night this week :-) Yumm - O. What a great way to use those fresh seasonal strawberries that have been popping up on sale all over the place!

Sin in a bowl (aka Strawberries and chocolate)
- Mel Bennett

8" pan of brownies
2 small packages instant chocolate pudding
3 cups milk
large tub cool whip
1 lb strawberries, sliced (or raspberries)

Bake the brownies, and let them cool.

Mix the pudding mix with 3 cups milk and 1 cup of cool whip.

Break the brownies into one inch pieces and place 1/2 of them on the bottom of the bowl.

Spread 1/2 of the pudding mix over the brownies.

Spread 1/2 of the remaining cool whip over the pudding mix.

Spread 1/2 of the strawberries over the cool whip.

Repeat all the layers one more time. Keep chilled until ready to serve.

I like to make this about 8 hours ahead of time as the brownies have more time to absorb the pudding, however it is still yummy if you eat it right away. A clear bowl is nice so people can see the layers and know what they are looking at ahead of time.

This recipe is linked up to Tammy's In-Season Recipe Swap: Strawberries.

 And, Fight the Heat Friday