Cinnamon Roll Toast

I found this recipe through Tempt My Tummy Tuesday. It's quick, easy and with a few minor adjustments, much healthier than a real cinnamon roll :) Thanks for sharing your recipe, Amy!

Cinnamon Roll Toast - Modified from Amy

2 T butter, soft (but not melted)
1-2 tsp. cinnamon
6-8 slices of bread
1/2 C powdered sugar
1 T milk
1 tsp. vanilla

Slice bread; we used leftover French Bread -- next time we'll try our whole wheat bread.

Cream butter in a small bowl, and add cinnamon.

Stir to combine.

Spread both sides of the bread with cinnamon butter.

Then, preheat your griddle to 250-350 (somewhere in there should be fine). Place your bread on the griddle.

Cook the bread (flipping once) until butter is melted, bread is warm and toasty.

While bread is toasting, combine together powdered sugar, vanilla and milk.

Stir to combine.

Serve warm toast, and drizzle glaze over the toast!
