Cinnamon Rolls

This morning, we tried a new Cinnamon Roll recipe! The recipe mentioned using either whole wheat or white flour, and I tried whole wheat. I don't know if it was the type of whole wheat flour I used, or what, but the dough was hard to work with. The cinnamon rolls were great - despite their odd appearance. I will try making them again, only this time using white rather than wheat flour :) My modified recipe is below.
Cinnamon Rolls - Happy to Be at Home2 C flour (not whole wheat)3 tsp. baking powder1/2 tsp. salt1/4 tsp. baking soda4 T butter, softened1 C milkSpray butter1/2 C brown sugar (make sure there are no clumps)1-2 tsp. cinnamon1 T butter, softened1 T cream cheese, softened1/2 tsp. vanilla1 C powdered sugar1-2 T milkCombine dry ingredients together in a medium bowl. Cut in softened butter. Add milk until dough is slightly sticky. Dump mix onto a floured surface and roll flat.
Spray the dough with butter, and sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon.
Roll the dough, and then slice into about 10 rolls. Place rolls evenly spaced in a greased 9x13 pan. Bake them at 375 for 20-25 minutes.
Meanwhile, using a hand mixer, mix together butter and cream cheese until well combined. Add powdered sugar, milk and vanilla and continue to mix until the desired consistency is reached. Lightly frost the cinnamon rolls, and enjoy!