Orange Butter Glaze

We got this recipe from the Lion House cookbook and love it drizzled over the top of Jewish Apple Cake [click for recipe].

1-1/2 Tbs. milk
1-1/4 cups powdered sugar
1/2 tsp. grated orange rind
1 Tbs. butter
1 Tbs. orange juice

Heat milk and butter together. Stir in sugar and mix until smooth. Add orange juice and rind. Beat until shiny. Add a drop or two more liquid if need to make desired spreading (or drizzling) consistency. Makes about 1/2 cup, or enough to glaze top of 10 inch tube cake, or 8-9-inch square cake, or a loaf pan.

Lemon Butter Glaze: Prepare as for Orange Butter Glaze, substituting lemon juice and rind for the orange juice and rind.
